Monday, September 27, 2010

What a nice way to start the week! Thank you P&E!

(of course, it's quite hilarious to see the P&E button that announces they are "shark repellent"!)

For those of you unfamiliar with the site Preditors and Editors helps you avoid fee-charging agents and other undesirables.   It's a must read site for authors seeking agents.


Debra Lynn Shelton said...

P&E rocks. "Shark repellent" - LOVE IT!

Theresa Milstein said...

Those are great!

I've never heard of the site. I'll check out the link.

Anonymous said...

Hey, fellow readers! We'd better radio for a bigger boat!

Anne Gallagher said...


Lydia Sharp said...


Irene Troy said...

Congratulations, Janet! You well deserve the honor!

I don’t write fiction, or at least I am not currently working in fiction. I’ve also taken a number of online memoir classes at Gotham Writer’s Workshop (another terrific resource). In these classes and in my local writer’s group, I am continually urging people to visit this site, to read the queries that make it and, more important, those that fail. This site is among my five best sites for writers of all genres. Thank you for all you do for us and, once more, congratulations!

Micah Maddox said...

Grats, Janet, on this recognition of what so many have discovered to be an invaluuable resource.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Ms. Shark!

I've sent many, many people to that site, after hopelessly trying to explain to them that no, it's not wonderful news when an "agent" writes to you and says they've got a special relationship with a publisher who is guaranteed to publish your book...

Joel Brown said...

Gentle Reider,
You're lissome
and toothsome,
not gruesome.

Tara Maya said...

Congrats and well deserved. :)

dana e donovan said...

What took them so long?
Big congrats, Janet!

Fragrant Liar said...

Awesome. You deserve the recognition.

Margaret Yang said...

You deserve the award for all you do to educate writers. I have learned so much here!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that P&E's sample query letter breaks just about every rule the Sharp espouses. I'm just sayin'.

Orlando said...

For those interested I found Sean Ferrel's query letter to Janet for Numb at,category,SuccessfulQueries.aspx

Check it out.

Alex said...

Orlando that link got cut off for me. Can you repost?

Also, word!

Orlando said...


I just noticed what you meant by "cut off" I'll type it in.,catergory,SuccessfulQueries.aspx

GalaktioNova said...

Awww, this is so nice! Congratulations! Both sites are a must for every writer.

St0n3henge said...

Congratulations, Janet! That's great.